Spring arrives at Paxton Hall (May 2018)

In the last couple of weeks, we finally had a few days of long awaited warmth and sunshine and, as a result, our residents were eventually able to sit out in their courtyard and enjoy the array of beautiful colours and scents of the blossoming plants, shrubs and climbers.

This, along with the sound of the wind chimes and the water fountain in the background, accompanied by afternoon tea, made these moments a wonderfully sensorial experience overall.

The front garden and lawn have also become vibrant and alive and full of colour, evidencing the diligent work and loving care of our gardeners over the past few months.

Below is the picture of our Wisteria in full bloom

You are cordially invited to visit us at Paxton Hall if you are you are looking for a home for either yourself or someone close to you, You can visit us unannounced on Monday to Friday between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM or by prior appointment with the Administrator for any other time. This will enable us to ensure there is a senior person around to answer your questions.


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