Indoor Visiting

Paxton Hall has started indoor visiting after a thorough risk assessment. The front entrance porch, which is no longer frequented as much as before the pandemic, has been decorated and furnished to allow us to host safe visiting by nominated family members. Visitors are required to book an appointment with the office, call in on the day to confirm their visit and don the Home’s PPE during the visit.

This policy is subject to change without notice and is dependent on the rates of infection in our area and guidance of the authorities.

20 Oct 2020

Picture by Roger York
You are cordially invited to visit us at Paxton Hall if you are you are looking for a home for either yourself or someone close to you, You can visit us unannounced on Monday to Friday between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM or by prior appointment with the Administrator for any other time. This will enable us to ensure there is a senior person around to answer your questions.


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