Our Care

Paxton Hall Care Home is a private residential care home for the elderly registered with the Care Quality Commission for 39 residents. It enjoys an excellent reputation in Cambridgeshire and surrounding counties in offering:

  • Long term residential care for the elderly.
  • Residential care for those living with a variety of conditions.
  • Short stay respite and holiday breaks.
  • Intermediate care for elderly patients who have been discharged from hospital and require temporary rehabilitation.

Our Values

  • Paxton Hall should be a “home” to our residents.
  • Every resident is an individual and will be treated with dignity and respect.
  • Paxton Hall will provide a high standard of care in a homely, comfortable and secure environment.
  • Residents will be encouraged to remain as independent as possible for as long as possible.
  • Every effort will be made to meet individual needs and residents are encouraged to play an active part in their own care.
  • We will provide support and understanding to the family during difficult times.
  • Staff will have the ethos, experience, training, environment, tools and aids to meet each individual’s needs and maintain high standards of best practice.

Every resident has the right to independence, freedom of choice, privacy, dignity, respect and most importantly, the right to live as full and active a life as possible.

Personal Care Plans and Medication

There is a digital system for care plans and medication administration. These are updated regularly in consultation with the resident and their relatives.

Medication is administered by trained staff and residents who wish to self-medicate, and are able to do, can do so. Detailed medication records are kept for each resident.

Quality Assurance

Management and senior staff at Paxton Hall operate an open door policy for residents, relatives and staff who wish to see them to discuss any matters. In addition to the daily feedback received by Carers directly from residents and relatives, formal feedback is  obtained directly from residents every month through discussions with them and through an annual survey of relatives. Other stakeholders are consulted periodically.

We have a formal complaints procedure. Complaints are taken seriously, investigated and dealt with promptly.

You are cordially invited to visit us at Paxton Hall if you are you are looking for a home for either yourself or someone close to you, You can visit us unannounced on Monday to Friday between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM or by prior appointment with the Administrator for any other time. This will enable us to ensure there is a senior person around to answer your questions.


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